Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beautiful Souls

Last weekend Scott and I went to his friend Han's wedding. He married a fantastic girl named Ariel. The wedding was at Thurman's Mansion above The Salt Lick. The food was great and the music even better. They just happened to have the band that we had at our wedding.

This weekend some of our best friend's got married-Stewart and Lauren. Stewart is one of Scott's best friends and when Scott and I started dating I thought they were twins. Do not ask me why-Stewart does   not have red hair but maybe it was a North Carolina thing. Lauren is from Austin but we didn't know each other until they started dating. One of the first times I met Lauren she was talking about her stepsister in Australia. We made the connection that her step-mom and step-sisters were my neighbors growing up. What a small world.

The weather was perfect just as they are for each other. He is her peanut butter and she is his jelly. You rarely see two people so perfectly fit for one another. I am so glad to be on this new marriage journey with such wonderful friends.

Lauren was a beautiful bride and I wish I took pictures so I could post them.

I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of fall. I can't wait to teach about fall tomorrow. I think when I talk about the weathering changing the kids might actually get it ;)

Cookie Jar

Last weekend I hosted a baby shower for my friend April. She is having a baby girl in December. She lives in Chicago mainly but I like to think Austin is where her heart is. We had a brunch at Chez Zee which was wonderful. I wanted to have some party favors but I kept having trouble thinking of what. I ended up using mason jars and putting a cookie mix inside. Here are some pictures from the shower and the cookies of course ;)

I can't wait for baby girl Voss to arrive.